Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Music #9

And so I ressurrect once again to write a long overdue blog post. Today's music is a piece that hints of hope for freedom that is then hunted by an powerful opposing force trying to tear that dream asunder.

Dia duit,


  1. You should check out "Two Steps From Hell" on YouTube. (The name is unfortunate and misleading) They do really epic soundtrack-like music. My favorite is "Archangel". Also, Tom Salta has some really awesome songs, like "Final Flight".

    1. I adore TSFH! They're my favorite; I've been listening to their songs while I'm writing ever since I discovered them about....a year and a half or two years ago. Them and a lot of other trailer music groups.

      The name Tom Salta sounds familiar, but I don't think I've heard much of his stuff. I'll be sure to look him up. Thanks!


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